(417) 540-3029


Sophisticated Home Security Systems

At Large Sales can develop and install custom security systems to provide safety for your home. Our residential security video systems provide real-time alerts, record incidents, and convert your video into searchable data, which means you can focus on what’s inside your home without lingering stress of unprotected family members or assets.

Our security solutions can be used in homes, businesses, manufacturing plants, law enforcement offices, schools, daycare facilities and other locations where custom security solutions are needed. Our team has experience with body cameras, motion detection, smart home security, and traffic safety issues. After installation, we can integrate and connect your security systems with any smart home device, such as Amazon Echo’s Alexa, Google Home, and Apple products.

Home Security Systems

Athena Gun Detection

With a high-end fever and threat detection system on your side, your loved ones will be protected inside and out.

The digital gun detection system connects directly to any security system to deliver quick and accurate threat detection. Whether it’s a fall, accident, unwelcome visitor, or aggressive actions, Athena is always protecting you. Athena systems are also configurable – not only does Athena record and save video feed, it can also be configured to call authorities and directly send them the video feed to help prevent further crime from happening.

Home Security Solutions by Eclipse

Navitas Credit Corp.

Interested in what we have? Call us today!